The recommended way of getting in touch is via e-mail. In case you see one of us in the area, it is of course no problem to speak with us directly.
We also have a mail box in the C house which we check regularly. The tenants at Rotary can without trouble play mail carriers and save money on stamps. Non-tenants can give the task to a close-by post office to deliver their letter to:
Förtroenderådet Rotary studenthem |
Richertsgatan 2B-2000 |
412 81 Göteborg |
If you don't know which specific post of the board you want to contact, send an e-mail to the entire board.
The board | styrelsen | at fr-rotary com |
Chairman | ordf | at fr-rotary com |
Pub manager | km | at fr-rotary com |
Workshop manager | hustomte | at fr-rotary com |